05 August 2024



Adolf Sigmund Boxberg was a twenty-five years old police officer who was born in Munich the 22nd of December 1997. Adolf had joined in the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office that June as a Detective Chief Inspector and he was investigating a kidnapping in the capital city of the Freistaat Bayern which had happened at eight o’clock in the morning the last day of summer 2023.

He was tall and thin. He had long dark brown courly hair, dark brown moustache and beard also, brown chestnut eyes, a big aquiline nose and a sharp featured face. He was living in Augsburg with his parents Jürgen and Lieselotte and his cat named Elske in a castle on the top of a hill situated in the western zone of Westliche Wälder natural reserve where Jürgen’s ancestors had built their property in the medieval epoch.

He went out of his room and went downstairs to the garage where his grey BMW car was parked with his white motorbike, his blue bicycle and his green skateboard. He came into his vehicle and he went out of his house heading for the police station where his friends Peter Schweiger, the probationary Bavarian State Criminal Police Office Detective Inspector, and Johann Moritz, the senior Bavarian State Criminal Police Office Detective Chief Inspector, were waiting for him.

Closed to Bayern, in the main city of the State of Salzburg, a twenty-five years old young woman whose name was Astrid Schwarz and who was born in Salzburg the 1st of June 1997 also, as one of the Austrian Bundespolizei detective chief inspectors, was investigating a murder in Linz which had happened the same evening of the kidnapping that had taken place in Munich some hours before.

Astrid Schwarz was the youngest of two marriage Schwarz children. Her mother died two days after giving birth her daughter at the hospital because of some unforeseeable difficulties at the last minute and her father had to get married again with another woman, who seemed to be one of the children of the President of Schleswig-Holstein with his first wife, with whom he had twins afterwards one year of meeting her in a restaurant of Berlin.

She went out of her flat and she took her white Smart two-seater to set off for the headquarters where her boss Martin Müller, the Austrian Bundespolizei Captain in Salzburg, and her friend Karl Steiner, who was working in that base of operations as one of the Austrian Bundespolizei detective constables, were waiting for her to give her some new piece of news about the murder she was investigating.

When Astrid arrived Martin began to tell her what the chief surgeon had told him after carrying out the autopsy of the corpse: the German guy, who maybe was a thirty years old lawyer, given that he had studied Laws in the University of Berlin, had fighted with his murderer but the guilty had shot him on his heart and stabbed on his chest before his death which was brief and had happened in the blink of an eye.

At the same time that Astrid arrived at her police station, Adolf came into Johann Moritz office, who was commanding Peter to find the car used by the kidnapper to commit the kidnapping and while the senior Detective Chief Inspector was talking with him about the alleged identity of the main suspect, Schweiger was in contact with Karl Steiner to order him to look for the black Wolkswagen Transporter utilised by the kidnapper to kidnap the victim and to go out of the country towards Austria; Peter suspected that after mistaken the kidnap, the guilty had planned to kill his victim the same day in another state to avoid a possible suspicion of the Bayerische Polizei.

Some weeks after making the phone call, Astrid sent a letter to Johann telling him that one of her policemen had found a van with the same description in a ditch situated in the middle of the border between Germany and Austria. Moritz ordered Adolf Boxberg to meet with Astrid Schwarz that Friday morning at ten o’clock at the place where they had found the German vehicle abandoned because the judge, when he had known the event, he decided to order to be in charge of the case the Austrian Bundespolizei too, suspecting that the murder and the kidnapping were realised by the same person in two different places in the same day.

The first time that Adolf met with Astrid was arousing for him: he had not ever met someone whose beauty were gratifying and esoteric as hers. The most gorgeous portions of her oval face for him were her golden straight hair and her two flawed blue eyes together with her red and thick lips; she had a trim body with a perfectly round buttock and a pair of smooth thighs so that he must to fall in love of the most goddess person he have ever seen.

“Hi! Wie heißen Sie?” he asked her in German self-consciously when he got to the borderland among Germany and Austria and he saw her waiting for him uniformed beside her police car. “Mein Name ist Adolf Sigmund Boxberg und Ich bin der Kriminalhauptkommissar von München!” he added whilst he was waiting for her answer.

“Ich heiße Astrid Schwarz und Ich bin die Chefinspektor von Salzburg. Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen!” she answered him in German also and she began to talk with him about the crime which had happened in Linz a week before. When she articulated that phrase Adolf thought that her voice was sweeter than he expected. However he had to give up thinking about it and leaving it for another occasion to pay attention to what she was talking about because he was there because of the case, and not to fall in love of her, as he was doing it at that moment.

They decided to go to a pub in the city centre to discuss it there while they would were drinking a glass of beer and some chips to eat it with the drink; Astrid ordered to Karl to watch the assumed scene of the murder and she leaved her car with him whilst she was getting on Adolf’s car. During the journey, talking with Mr. Boxberg Jr. about their lives, Astrid began to feel the same feeling for him but she did not kiss Adolf because they were in the middle of a judicial investigation and they were forbidden any type of relationship if it weren’t a labour relation.

Just after they arrived at the coffee shop, whereas Astrid sat on the table, Adolf requested a waiter two glasses of malt liquor and one dish of french chips for them. He sat also on the table in front of Ms. Schwarz and then they continued to talk about the investigation they were carrying out. “And so have the forensic surgeon or the scientific police any type of fingerprint of the murderer? Did you find anything in the abandoned van?” Adolf urged her to know. Astrid thought the answer for some minutes and she answered him affirmatively.

“We’ve found around his neck and his wrists some marks of fight and in his chest and his heart some scars that indicate that the killer used a bladed weapon and a handgun!” it was her answer. “And we’ve also found the bullet shot by the assailant. The ballistic analysis have shown us that the guilty commited the crime with an out of the ordinary pistol!” she added.

At twelve o’clock they went out of the restaurant and came back to the scene of the murder where Karl and Martin had found the knife of the crime which did not contain any fingerprint of the killer to do the fingerprinting. They had thought that the murderer had used gloves to carry out it and Martin ordered Astrid and Adolf to find its gloves whilst they went back to the base of operations where a woman had asked a sergeant for their services.

The lady was crying on a bench of the police station when Martin and Karl went into the place where the sergeant was offering her a cup of coffee and taking her statement. He saw them and he went out of the room to keep Martin informed about the interrogation realised by him. “She have told me that her husband reported a man who have sent him some threatening letters in order to pay his debt with him. The policeman who talked with her husband paid no attention to what he was telling him and he chased him out of the police station with bad manners!” the sergeant told Martin who was watching his mobile phone. “Did you hear what I have explained to you?” he added.

He said yes and he urged to know who was the sergeant who had talked with the victim. They discovered that the police officer who had paid him attention was an undercover agent; the broad was the leader of a criminal group which had a friendly relation with him. However, when the victim began to lose his money with the races wager and football matches, he asked for a loan to the leader and he began to be the killer’s debtor who ordered to someone to murder him if he did not pay the debt.

Nevertheless, when Adolf came into the office to tell Martin that Astrid had discovered another corpse inside the boot of the van, he thought that the hit man refused to do the crime and the mobster had killed him also to show him his strength and leadership. Martin and Adolf came back to the place where Astrid was and they leaved Karl in the police station interviewing the victim’s wife also to get more information from her. Astrid had vanished from the scene of the murder when the two policemen arrived there and Adolf began to search her by the forest situated beside the road.

He walked some minutes through the woodland and he saw two types of footprints on the road. Adolf identified the first one as the sole of Astrid’s shoes so that he followed it arriving at the end of the forest; in which place he discovered a trail of blood that continued to an abandoned cottage. Then, he knocked on the door, but anyone opened it. Adolf prepared himself to knock down the entrance while he was taking his handgun; he came into the dark and silent building and some minutes later, he saw a corpse on the floor of the kitchen beside the murder weapon, a rifle of hunting that smelt as if it was been shooted by the killer some minutes before because of the odour of burnt powder.

The Detective Chief Inspector yelled Astrid’s name but he did not get her answer. He listened some steps and a man, who maybe was thirty-five year-old, went into the room closing the door behind him. He began to laugh malevolently and he said that he had closed Astrid in the basement and that he had buried the victim in the garden. Afterwards the guilty hit him with a vase and before to close him with Astrid, he stole his mobile phone to avoid a possible call to ask the police for their help. He took his suitcase and with his stepbrother, by his car, they evaded their house beforehand their prisoners woke up and tried to escape from the basement.

“Have you taken the money from the robbery?” asked the leader of the criminal group when they were driving to Vaduz by the motorway where Martin was waiting in his police car for Adolf and Astrid. “Please, tell me, because if you have not taken the loot, we have to come back to the house to take it; if not, they will discover our plans!” he added and saw his stepbrother who was chatting with their accomplices.

That afternoon Adolf woke up and saw Astrid in the same room as he was closed in. He cut the rope that tied him and his chair in a wooden column of the room and he free his friend also; then, they planned how to go out of the basement and they decided to wait the kidnappers, thinking that they will went in, and to attack them by surprise with the chairs where they were sitting on. While the two police officers were waiting for it Adolf confessed to Astrid his feelings for her and she told him that she was in love with him also.

Astrid kissed Adolf expressing her gratitude to him for release her and they made the love; Adolf wanked himself thinking on it when they listened a voice of man talking with other person in the living room so that he had to stop what he was making and they feigned to be bound in the column sitting on their chairs respectively. But the voice disappeared and they wished that Martin and their mates were trying to find and free them, so that Astrid thought to use the mobile phone to send Martin a message and to free her and her boyfriend that night. However the kidnappers had stolen their phones and they couldn’t do anything to evade from the basement.

Seeing that Adolf and Astird did not come back to the place where he was waiting for them, he came back to the police station and ordered to Karl Steiner to talk with Peter Schweiger and Johann Moritz to tell them what had happened and to prepare a police operation to free them and try to find the guilties of the mystery. Johann and Peter travelled to Salzburg the following day to meet with Martin and Karl who were eating their breakfast in the base of operations. They said hello to Martin and their friend, and they urged to know how Adolf and Astrid had disappeared.

Martin answered them that while Adolf and him were in the police station talking with Karl and the victim’s spouse, Astrid had disappeared; they had come back to the scene of the crime and Adolf began to find her but whilst he was doing it, he had vanished also. Peter decided that Martin and he would go to the scene of the crime and look for them in the forest whereas Karl and Johann were waiting for his call of rescue if they needed their help. He catched one gun for himself and while he was putting his jacket Martin did the same; then, they went out of the police station and Martin drove his police car to the place where Mr. Boxberg and Mrs. Schwarz had vanished.

When they arrived at the scene of the murder Martin ordered Peter to wait for him while he was searching for them and he went out of the vehicle. Peter took advantage of that to do the autopsy of the second corpse and to look for the identity of the victim; he discovered that he was a thief who had collaborated with three more people in a robbery in Berlin some weeks before the first crime. Mr. Müller found Adolf’s footprints and he followed it. Some minutes later he reached the dwelling where Adolf and Astrid were closed in the basement and he came into the building; he also found the corpse that Adolf had seen the day before and he phoned Peter who arrived there right away too.

While Peter was making the autopsy and the identification of the third cadaver, Martin yelled Astrid’s name and she answered his call. He knocked down the door and Adolf and Astrid came out of the room; they gave thanks to Martin and, later on, they asked him if the police had detained the suspects. Then, Peter appeared and told them his suspicions: the three murders were connected with a robbery that had happened the 31st of August 2023 in Berlin where six young guys had robbed the fifty percent of gold of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He demonstrated his theory with the identities of the three victims and their corresponding criminal record.

“And how do you explain the crimes?” asked Adolf, who believed his friend from the beginning. “Did you find something else to prove your thesis?” he added and also he urged to know the relation of the two thieves with the man who had a debt with the mobster who ordered someone to commit the first crime.

Peter showed Adolf and their mates the whatsapp messages of the criminal group and he told them that one of the thieves was the hit man who was employed by the mobster and who rejected his proposal in order not to be convicted for the murder and the other was killed by the mobster because he wanted to report to the police his plans if he not paid him the fifty percent of the loot robbed by them; the third one was the debtor who reported the mobster in order to the threatening letters and he was murdered by him due to he had not paid his debts with him.

“So, we have to find the three other people of the mob, correct?” Martin asked afterwards “Because we still lack the third one who maybe is the associate of the mobster and who was the undercovered agent who did not pay attention to the debtor when he wanted to report the leader of the criminal group because of the letters!” he added also while Adolf kissed Astrid again.

She suggested that Adolf and herself will come back to the police station to find in the database the name of the undercovered agent and his associates whereas Peter and Martin were waiting in the house for them finding some fingerprints of the three other components of the group of thieves. However, when they arrived at the police base of operations, they discovered a killing: Johann, Karl and the lady had vanished from it and also some policemen had been murdered by someone who was in the police station yet. They phoned Martin to tell him what had happened but he did not answer the call.

In the dwelling Martin and Peter had found, by surprise, the fingerprints of the third component: the lady who was crying when Adolf and Martin came back to the police station where Karl was talking with the woman had participated on it; she was the wife of the debtor who divorced of him after knowing that he was going out with his British sister-in-law, the mobster’s spouse.

“Peter, I think I know what happened on the 31st of August 2023!” Martin yelled. “The first victim’s wife wished to kill her husband because he was going out with his sister-in-law, who was the mobster’s spouse. They decided to kidnap him in Germany and killing him in Austria; the lady was living in Salzburg with her husband and the mobster was living in München with his wife, so that when the woman knew her husband’s debt she suggested him to report the letters sent by the leader of the criminal group and to move to the Freistaat Bayern to avoid a possible murder. Nevertheless he never thought that his wife had sent him the threatening letters as she agreed it on the mobster.” Martin narrated to Peter.

“And then, when the first victim arrived at the main city of Bayern, as they had agreed some days before, the mobster kidnapped him, that was one of his brothers (the other, the undercovered agent, was his stepbrother), and his wife murdered him in Linz. They did not thought that one of their associates in the robbery of the Deutsche Bundesbank wished to be paid with the fifty percent of the plunder robbed; that was the mobster’s stepbrother who was employed by him as an undercover agent when some weeks before the first crime he was informed by the lady that she had suggested to her husband to report him to the police because of the threatening messages written by herself. The mobster killed his stepbrother and hid him in the van. Afterwards he abandoned the vehicle where our policemen found it but how do you explain the cadaver of the dwelling?” Peter urged him to know.

But when he finished to say it, he listened to some steps and Astrid and Adolf came into the house. The last one answered Peter’s question: “We’ve thought that the third cadaver was involved in also; Astird had discovered that the undercover agent blackmailed another policeman to participate in the robbery and when the leader of the group discovered that the undercover agent wished to be paid with the fifty percent of the loot to not to report him as the main guilty of the robbery, he employed the other policeman as a hit man to get rid of him but the boy in blue did not want to do it and wished also to free Astrid, so that the mobster had to murder him also!” exclaimed Adolf, making Martin react and he asked him if the three guilties were going out of the country.

Later on, Astrid saw a laptop on the dining room table. She told Adolf what she had discovered and Adolf went to the place where it was to try to find the answer of Martin’s request; he found something to show to the judge and ask if he allowed them to act in Switzerland. When Martin knew that the three guys wished to go out of the country he notified to Vorarlberg Bundespolizei and Tirol Bundespolizei also about the three thieves who wanted to escape to Vaduz and he described their car to stop them if they saw the guilties that Adolf and their friends were looking for.

The evening of the second day the mobster and his two associates were arrested after crossing the border from Austria to Switzerland. They were extradited to Salzburg by plane where Adolf and Astrid interrogated them to know why they had to take the fifty percent of gold of the Deutsche Bundesbank and why they had to kill their three other associates. The mobster affirmed that he had killed one of his brothers because he wished to have a part of the loot robbed and because he was going out with his sister-in-law; the debt and the kidnap were fake because it were a part of the plan, so that the three murders and the robbery were connected and the motive was the plunder of the hold-up.

They were convicted a month after Astrid and Adolf’s wedding, who were married in Augsburg and they moved to München to live there in a house of the ancient city where they would set up their family and they would take care of their children. Johann and Karl were free by them some days after the police operation in Vaduz. Adolf and Astrid’s first son, whose name would be Karl-Heinz Boxberg, was born eight months later.

31 January 2023



Wendy Dunbar woke up that December morning, covered by blood, in her bedroom of the hotel where she had spent the night in Bournemouth. She had met Steve Yates seven weeks before and they had begun an extramarital relationship. Now, that winter morning, she had discovered his corpse beside her and she didn’t know how to carry that happening.

She was the DCI Arthur Buchanan’s wife and also the mother of those beautiful, sweetie and happy fraternal twins named Oscar and Serena Buchanan. For this reason she had to think a lot about what to do before calling the police which arrived quickly led by the Southernshire Police DI Jasmine Tomkins, who had been a Special Agent in the California Bureau of Investigation before becoming the new DCI Alan Bakewell’s right-hand woman.

The problems hadn't finished for her given that they just started: first of all the scientist police found her fingerprints in the assumed murder weapon, in second place his death had happened around midnight, in third place the security cameras had filmed her committing the crime, and the last evidence they had against her was a witness who had testified that Steve Yates had argued with Wendy Dunbar during the dinner and that Mr. Yates had decided to go upstairs to the bedroom without finishing the dessert.

Jasmine Tomkins decided to arrest her to interrogate Wendy in the police station. She also confiscated her police badge and handcuffed her to prevent an escape of her prisoner. Wendy phoned his lawyer Samuel McBeth who advised her to ask if her husband could carry on the case despite the Northernshire Police hadn’t jurisdiction in the Southernshire county.

When Arthur knew about his wife’s affair with Steve Yates he accepted to help her despite the fact that he would divorce from Wendy after finishing to solve the case. He would help his wife only for his children. Arthur took the first train to Bournemouth that afternoon and he met with Alan Bakewell in the railway station.

“Hi, Alan! This is my Detective Sergeant Peter Shankland, my right-hand man, and I am Arthur, Wendy Dunbar’s husband!” he said when he saw Bakewell waiting for them on the platform. “What’s about the case and the victim?” he also asked him while he was taking his luggage to the taxi that Alan had paid for them.

For Alan the case was easy to solve: they had a lot of evidence which demonstrated the guilt of Wendy Dunbar. Nevertheless, for Arthur, that case was not easy as it was seeming to be. They had only one thing clear: the victim was a poet who was forty years old and whose name was Steve Yates. He was employed also by the Secret Intelligence Service as an agent.

Steve Yates was also married to Mary Faber, a novelist from the north of England whose parents had founded a press named Faber & Yates Editors. She had arrived there when she had received the news about Steve’s death. She seemed extremely sad for her husband’s death despite knowing about his affair with Mrs. Buchanan.

Arthur supposed that Mary Faber had murdered her husband because she had known about Steve Yates affair with Wendy before the news of his death and now she was playing to avoid the suppositions of the police and that she had planned the killing to incriminate Wendy of the murder.

In that hotel were lodging Gerard Hayes, a fifty six years old man who was the owner of a Bank in Ireland, Olivia Caldwell, a lady who was the same age of Gerard Hayes and the owner of a Bank in England, and Phil Kearns, an owner of a hotel in Cork, Ireland who was dealing with Ollie Dashwood the purchasing of his hotel, too. Phil Kearns was thirty five and Ollie Dashwood was sixty three.

The witness who had testified against Wendy Dunbar was Ollie Dashwood’s bellboy named Daniel Wadlow, who was forty years old as Steve Yates and Mary Faber. Those who had an alibi for the time of the crime were Mary Faber, Ollie Dashwood and Gerard Hayes. So Arthur decided to interrogate Olivia Caldwell, Phil Kearns and Daniel Wadlow again whilst Peter Shankland was interrogating Wendy Dunbar and Alan Bakewell was helping his subordinates to find the murder weapon.

Later on, when the forensic surgeon report arrived and Arthur discovered that Steve Yates had been poisoned with cyanide, all the investigation changed and he thought that at midnight, knowing that he had been poisoned, Steve Yates had taken his handgun and he had shot himself provoking his death to not to live an agonizing death. For this reason the forensic surgeon had also found a bullet inside his heart. But why did the security cameras filmed Wendy committing the crime?

As he had a friend in the Secret Intelligence Service he phoned him to ask about the missions they were carrying out. Darren Albert Bancroft agreed with Arthur Walter Buchanan that the following day they would meet in London to have a coffee and talk about it calmly. After the dinner they went to sleep.

At midnight a yell awakened Arthur who walked to Phil Kearns bedroom. He knocked the door and as noone opened it he knocked down the door and he found Phil Kearns corpse lying on his bed. Then the bellboy arrived to know what had happened and Arthur ordered him to call the law enforcement whereas he was looking for the murder weapon.

That time, when the forensic surgeon told him that for the scars he had deduced a fight between the killer and the victim and that the killer had stabbed Phil Kearns, Arthur ordered his companions to find a knife or something similar covered by blood hidden in any place of the hotel.

Now Ollie Dashwood seemed to be suspicious of the crime. Arthur wished to talk to him whilst Peter was looking in the Steve Yates bank account if Steve finances were in the red. He discovered that the poet had asked for a loan to Caldwell Bank some weeks before and as he couldn’t pay the debt, his house had been seized.

When Arthur knew that he decided to interrogate Olivia also. However, another scream they heard and when they arrived at Olivia’s bedroom, they found Mary Faber beside her corpse. Arthur ordered to arrest Mary for Olivia’s death and he took a taxi to the railway station to take a train to London.

Darren said Arthur hello when he saw him getting out of the train. As the rain began to fall, Darren opened his umbrella while Arthur asked for a taxi to go to the city centre. A taxi stopped and took them to a café near King’s Cross. They paid the fare to the taxi driver and they got into the coffee shop.

“Well. First of all, happy birthday, Darren. I remember when we were students at Saint Andrew’s School and we finished the classes before the Christmas holidays celebrating our birthdays that were both nearer. I celebrated on the 22nd and you celebrated on the 23rd!” said Arthur. “Now, why have you wished to meet with me in person?” Arthur asked.

“Because we think that someone in the Secret Intelligence Service is also working for the Russians. And as you told me that Steve Yates, one of my fellows, has been killed in an hotel in Bournemouth and I sent him to investigate there because we suppose that the Russians have established their base of operations in the Southernshire county, I think that the crime has been committed by a Russian spy!” he answered, eating a biscuit.

“What’s the operation about?” Arthur asked again when he received the forensic surgeon report in his phone and he opened it to know the cause of Olivia’s death. He discovered that someone had choked her in a fight too, because her body was covered by lots of scars on her wrists, neck and legs.

“Traffic of biological weapons and illegal immigrants, most of them prisoners of war, between the Govern of the UK and the Kremlin!” Darren said. “Yeah! Our spies are trying to stop it because we think that someone in the Govern of the UK is an accomplice of the Russians who is working without the permission of the Prime Minister in this traffic to begin the third world war, committing mass attacks in every part of the UK!” he added.

Darren gave Arthur the names of his subordinate agents too. One of them turned out to be familiar for him: Daniel Wadlow’s name. Arthur thanked Darren for the information and he came back to Bournemouth where he met with Alan to tell him what he had discovered.

Alan released Wendy when she affirmed that Steve had ordered her to shoot him because he had been poisoned with cyanide and she also helped them with the operation to arrest Daniel Wadlow. When he was arrested and Arthur interrogated him telling that they had discovered all the truth, Daniel confessed his guilt and accused Ollie Dashwood to be at the back of all the deaths, that he only had done the dirty job as a simple pawn.

“Three months before, when I lost my job, I found one as a bellboy in this hotel. Ollie Dashwood employed me. One night I found him speaking by phone to someone. I heard all the conversation!” he said and he put a sound recording where Ollie was talking in Russian with a possible Russian spy. “Unfortunately he saw me and he promised me that if I worked for him, I would never be in danger and he would never kill me. I accepted. Afterwards, three months passed, Steve Yates arrived at the hotel asking for a bedroom. He was accompanied by Wendy Dunbar!” he added.

Wendy came into the room and she continued with the interrogation supervised by Arthur, Alan and Peter. Daniel asked for a cup of tea and to see Mary for the last time before finishing his statement. They discovered later on that Mary and Daniel were lovers, that they had begun an affair when Mary had discovered that Steve was meeting with Wendy.

“Ollie began to plan how to kill Steve. He told me that Steve was an MI6 spy and that he had orders from his supervisors to murder him!” Daniel continued. “Then, when the other guests arrived we carried on the plan where I had to do the dirty job. Before committing the first crime we looked for the state of Steve Yates finances with the help of Mary Faber, who didn’t know our plan, to incriminate Olivia but Olivia saw how I put the cyanide inside Steve’s cup of coffee and I had to murder her also to prevent her report to the police about what I did. I told it to Ollie and he decided to kill Phil Kearns too!” Daniel finished his statement.

When Daniel and Ollie were judged and jailed, Arthur and Wendy came back to North Shields with Peter, where they were living for that epoch, and Arthur get divorced from Wendy. Soon after his divorce the Parliament of the United Kingdom approved the new Law-enforcement Act which disolved Northernshire Police and Southernshire Police, so that Arthur came back to Scotland to be again a Detective Chief Inspector in the Police Scotland. Six months later, after meeting often with Jasmine Tomkins, Arthur got engaged with DI Tomkins. The sun was lighting up again in his life.